Meet My Running Mate

David Green

David Green was elected vice chair of the Washington State Democratic Central Committee in January 2019 and re-elected in 2021. He is seeking to be re-elected vice chair and asks for your vote at the state party’s reorganization meeting in January in Olympia.


  • Experienced two-term state party vice chair who will help the new state party chair succeed;

  • Strong financial background as a certified public accountant; knows how the state party financially operates;

  • Has built strong relationships at the DNC and the national state parties’ organization over the last four years which will benefit Washington State Democrats during the coming two years; and

  • This brings to the state party executive committee experience as a former countywide candidate, and current LPO chair, all while understanding the unique needs of LPOs in central and eastern Washington.

Representing the National Interests of Washington State Democrats

In his role as state party vice chair, David is an automatic member of the Democratic National Committee and has attended every meeting (and virtual meeting) of the Democratic National Committee since his election. He is a member of the DNC’s LGBTQ Caucus and regularly attends (as a guest) meetings of the DNC’s Native American Caucus so that he may inform our state’s Native American Caucus on current national caucus matters.

When the DNC’s Council on the Environment and Climate Crisis was formed in August 2019, David was elected vice chair of the Council. He was re-elected to that position in March 2022. David’s role as an officer of the Council is to help integrate the Council’s work into the 57 state and territorial party organizations.

As Washington State Democrats vice chair, David is a voting member of the Association of State Democratic Committees (ASDC), where he is the co-chair of the ASDC’s Budget and Finance Committee. He has attended all of the in-person ASDC meetings (normally 4x per year) held since his election.

Working to Build a Strong State Party Organization

For the last four years, David has provided candid and private advice to the state party chair. If re-elected, he will provide advice to Shasti Conrad as she transitions into her new role.

David has been a part of the state party organization since January 2015, when he was first elected chair of the Third Legislative District Democrats (which contains about 70% of the City of Spokane’s population) and he started to attend state central committee meetings and participate in the statewide chairs’ organization meetings. He served as treasurer of the statewide chairs’ organization for two years prior to being elected state party vice chair. A certified public accountant, David, along with state party treasurer Julie Johnson, reviews (and provides comment on) the proposed state party budgets and the monthly financial statements during the year. He has been an active member of the state party’s executive committee.

Over the last four years, he has worked from time to time with each of the state party’s director- level staff members to further state party goals.

David is an administrator of the Facebook group for local party organization treasurers and answers questions posed to the group by treasurers and provides reminders to LPO chairs and treasurers about PDC rules and filing timelines.

For the 2021-2022 state central committee, he served as co-chair of the WSDCC finance committee.

Having run for office twice in a red county, losing both times, David understands the realities of most LPOs and candidates in central and eastern Washington. Recently, he has worked closely with Jeffrey Robinson, former chair of the statewide Chairs’ organization, to revive the Lincoln County Democrats organization and he looks forward to Lincoln County fully participating in the January reorganization meeting.

Strong Local Party Experience

David ran for Spokane County Treasurer in 2018, receiving over 93,000 votes. In 2020, he ran for Spokane County Commissioner, receiving over 112,000 votes.

He has served as chair of the Third Legislative District Democrats since 2015 and was recently re-elected to his fifth term at their December 2022 reorganization meeting. As the chair of the only blue legislative district east of the Cascades, David has strong relationships with the three Democratic legislators from the district: Senate Majority Leader Andy Billig, and state representatives Marcus Riccelli and Timm Ormsby.

In his role as 3rd LD chair, has been a voting member of the Spokane County Democrats executive board for eight years and he mentors candidates seeking public office as well as party members serving the party at the legislative district, county, and state levels. He uses his knowledge of Public Disclosure Commission rules to facilitate fundraising to support candidates appearing on the ballot in the 3rd Legislative District, including elected officials on the Spokane City Council, Spokane County Commission, and Spokane School District 81.

David asks for your vote at the January reorganization meeting.